Crossgill – Resident Information – Legend Fires North West Stages Rally

Legend Fires North West Stages Rally

in partnership with ND Civils and Kelmore

22nd/23rd March 2024

Crossgill – Resident Information

Welcome to the page for residents on the Crossgill stage route to show live timings during the event:

Please refer to your Residents Pack that you received leading up to the event for more details, however DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PROPERTY WITHOUT EXPRESS AUTHORITY FROM THE ORGANISERS.

If you need to leave your property while the roads are closed, you must phone Rally Control.  They will record the time, your name, house name / number and your vehicle registration number.  You will be informed of the anticipated time that you can leave but will be informed to WAIT until you are called back.

For non-urgent issues or help, please contact your Stage Resident Liaison Officer – Ian Swallow – 07989 600 764

For other access or urgent requests, please contact Rally Control on 01995 262 656

Last Updated on 18th January 2024 @ 13:54 by Mark Wilkinson

(If you’re seeing an earlier time, press Shift + F5 on your keyboard to force a refresh)

07.00 - 08.45Road closure in place but controlled access allowed for residents and visitors
08.45 - 09.15Official and Safety Cars passing through stage. Restricted/Controlled access for residents and visitors (one way system in operation)
09.15 - 12.15Stage Live for Competing Cars – Authorised Emergency Access Only
12.15 - 13.00Rally lateness, Official and Safety Cars passing through stage. Restricted/Controlled access for residents and visitors (one way system in operation)
13.00 - 13.30Road closure in place but controlled access allowed for residents and visitors
13.30 - 13.45Official and Safety Cars passing through stage. Restricted/Controlled access for residents and visitors (one way system in operation)
13.45 - 16.45Stage Live for Competing Cars – Authorised Emergency Access Only
16.45 - 17.45Rally lateness, Official and Safety Cars passing through stage. Then rally clear up. Restricted/Controlled access for residents and visitors (one way system in operation)
17.45 - 19.00Road closure in place but controlled access allowed for residents and visitors